Monday, March 16, 2009

aM ii r0Ng

am ii rong for leavin
or did ii do what ii had 2

ii dont want yu 2 think i left yu
cuz im one fone call away

ii know ii have been there from the beginin
but everything comes to an end

did ii want 2 leave yu, NO
but did ii have 2, YES

not a day goes by that ii dont miss yu
that ii dont miss what we have

we were closer then the avarege
but more far apart

from the start ii saw it commin
but like this, ii dident want it 2 b

am ii rong 4 betterin my self
am ii rong 4 becomin a new me

she tought us to be strong
so strong is what ii will b

she tought us to never stray
but stray ii think she has done

is it all on me

what did she do
what did HE do

ii just cared
ii just was there

did rong not me
at least ii cant see

yu know what yu mean to me
yu know that will never change

it BRAKES my heart knowing how it all went down
but lets take a step back n see whos wrong

lets take a step back n see that HE left
lets take a step back n see what SHE said


ii guess all ii can say is

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