Over the years i have grownup in the hip-hopculture. My father is a well kwone DJ in the bay area. He has been DJing sence he was seventeen years old and became a producer a few years later. So i am and was born in to the hip-hop culture. being tought the ends and outs of the culture and industry in general gives me a different look at what goes on in the culture of hip-hop.
Hip-hop is an expression of ones self. some express it different then others. Some in the way the dress others ine the way they walk and talk. Hip-hop is not all about the music as people think. Hip-hop is more about the indavidual then the music. Some say "Hip-hop is dead" others say "Hip-hop can never die". But over time as all things change as will hip-hop. Is a son exactly like his father? They may be similer but not exactly the same. The same goes for Hip-hop. The hip-hop artest of to day can not be as the fathers of hip-hop were. Since the birth of hip-hop it has changed dramaticly, and Byron Hurt has done a grate job expressing that to his viewer amunxed other things.
The thing that i enjoyed most about Hurt's Documentary was how he broke hip-hop down into different parts. He showed the good and the bad. he showed the right and the wrong. But before all of that he stated that he is also a product of hip-hop and was bord in to it and raised up listning to it. He talked to a few of todays hip-hop artest and got their oppionion on a few things such as homosexuals in the hip-hop culture, young artest that are trying to make it to the industry. He got the view of what women think about how they are being portrayed in the the music, but one thing that i did not agree with that Hurt's did was that he did not focus on what the females were saying in the music. For example, some women anaylized the tip drill video but, they did not say anything about what the females in the song were saying.
Over all Byron Hurt's did an excelent job of expressing his view of hip-hop, and informing those who dont know what hip-hop is what it is. I thank him for bringing a new light to the blind fold that hip-hop has put on the people of america.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
br0ken wIng
flying high
soaring through the sky
left wing still fight as the right wing slowly deteriorates
feather by feather untill theres no feathers left
can the bird still fly if one wing is gone does that mean destiny
for him as we know it is gone does it mean that its over
the bird may not be able to fly but he can still walk
he will still be able to make it to the end of the road
he can still fight and one day he will heal
and when he reaches his destiny
the right wing hasnt been forgotten jus lost along the journey
the bird wishes that both wings would rejoice with him on this joyous occasion
but he is grateful for what he still has left and is forever grateful to both wings
soaring through the sky
left wing still fight as the right wing slowly deteriorates
feather by feather untill theres no feathers left
can the bird still fly if one wing is gone does that mean destiny
for him as we know it is gone does it mean that its over
the bird may not be able to fly but he can still walk
he will still be able to make it to the end of the road
he can still fight and one day he will heal
and when he reaches his destiny
the right wing hasnt been forgotten jus lost along the journey
the bird wishes that both wings would rejoice with him on this joyous occasion
but he is grateful for what he still has left and is forever grateful to both wings
y0uR g0n3
they come and they go
get closenow o so far
LOVE YOU i here everyday
PROVE IT i say
dont leave me
ive been through this once already
now you up and go for round two
do you here my heart crying
do you see me dieing
i depended on you for life
now life support is gone
flat line on the EKG
again and again
is it my fault
or do i jus bring it out of you
the evil cought up wit us
but the good will still thrive
im sorry it happened
im sorry your gone
a sholder to cry on would be nice
but the sholder i once knew
is goin through
through death do we part
get closenow o so far
LOVE YOU i here everyday
PROVE IT i say
dont leave me
ive been through this once already
now you up and go for round two
do you here my heart crying
do you see me dieing
i depended on you for life
now life support is gone
flat line on the EKG
again and again
is it my fault
or do i jus bring it out of you
the evil cought up wit us
but the good will still thrive
im sorry it happened
im sorry your gone
a sholder to cry on would be nice
but the sholder i once knew
is goin through
through death do we part
Friday, April 17, 2009
d3Ar hUrts,
let me start off by saying that i enjoyed your documentary i love how you enformed people what hip-hop is and is not but the thing i hade the biggest problem with is the TIP DRILL video the issue i hade with it was how the spellmen students were upset with nelly for partaking in the song but what the never mintioned wuz that trina wuz also in the song and you only focused on the man of hip-hop and not the women and what they were doing that wasent right also because we ar e all wrong men want women for their bodys and women want men for material thing such as money and what ever they can buy them so i think that was a more appropriate approach to the issue of hip-hip but as over all subject i think you covered most of the issues
it could be both male and female
Male: tears down
Female: build up
Male: hold his own
Female: strong
Male: sterotypical
Female: showing off her assete
both: creating a change, loving, healing
it could be both male and female
Male: tears down
Female: build up
Male: hold his own
Female: strong
Male: sterotypical
Female: showing off her assete
both: creating a change, loving, healing
Thursday, April 16, 2009
b3Y0nd b3ats N' rhYm3z

when i began to watch this documentary i connected to it right away
this video made me think of a few personal things such as the "homo"
issue and the "bitch niggas" issue because i know both of those catagorys
effect me the most not that i am a "bitch nigga" but that is what my black
community calls men that do not either stick up for themselfs or "get mutted"
meaning to be punked or bullied
is it important for youth to watch this video yes and no because depending on
the world you live in it informs you on the issues that surround hip-hop but
if you do not happen to live in that world then you dont have realy anything that
concirns you in the video so it matters and it dont
to me the line that stuck to me the most is when busta said that he dosent support
homosexuality because he is in a culture and race thet dosent support it and to me it
makes me loose a little respect i hade for him because he is my favorit raper but he
is close minded and that is a personal problem
the part of the film that i would challenge is when the all women college dident want
to give bone marro because of the song that nelly was in but no boddy adressed the fact
that trina isq also apart of the song and althought nelly says that "it must be that ASS cuz
it aint yo face" trina also said it must be yo MONEY cuz it aint yo face" and it shows that
women arer just as bad as men are in that aspect lest analyse a full song not jus apart of it
the choices that i thought were the best that hurts made was that he broke it up in to parts
instead of jus running it all to gether it was verry well organized
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
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